We invite you to free training
Career Turn 2024 Wroclaw
A unique opportunity to feel the atmosphere of work in a corporation - we are returning to the stationary edition of the project.
Career Turn Wrocław, UBS, 1-12 July 2024
Career Turn 2024 Online
Niepowtarzalna okazja poczuć atmosferę pracy w korporacji - ruszają zapisy do edycji Career Turn online. 15-26 lipca 2024r.
Together Towards Successful Integration! Projekt promuje skuteczne metody integracji migrantów i uchodźców poprzez wymianę doświadczeń z włoskimi partnerami, skupiając się na integracji na rynku pracy, nauce języka i integracji społecznej.
MoreKreatywny Recykling
Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany tematyką jak z niepotrzebnych ubrań, żywności i innych rzeczy tworzyć nowe, użyteczne przedmioty weź udział w bezpłatnych warsztatach kreatywnego recyklingu. Zapraszamy przedstawicieli różnych pokoleń od 18 do 99 r.ż.
MoreCareer Boost XI
MoreHelping Hand V
MoreStar of Opportunity (Stella Virium)
The STELLA VIRIUM Qualification Committee established the Competition and established the STELLA VIRIUM (STAR OF OPPORTUNITY) Statue.
Its idea and mission is to shape the belief in the strength, beauty and unlimited potential of every human being, as a lifelong learner, developing his or her qualifications, drawing on the diverse resources of his or her abilities, constantly exceeding his or her own limitations and those of the surrounding world.
Our partners
Our achievements
Since 2014, we have implemented over 20 editions of social support projects for people who are discriminated against, unemployed and at risk of professional exclusion. We have already covered over 500 beneficiaries; including over 350 online participants; On average, about 60% of the beneficiaries of each project change their professional situation permanently, and 99% believe that participation in the project improved their chances on the labor market.
> 500
> 60%
participants are
already working
Completed projects
Career Boost 2020
MoreBarriers Breaking Opportunity (od 2020)
MoreHelping Hand (2021)
MoreCareer Turn (2014-2021)
MoreCareer Boost 2022
Career Boost to V edycja bezpłatnego 2-dniowego webinarium dla osób poszukujących pracy wraz z możliwością skorzystania z symulowanej rozmowy rekrutacyjnej oraz indywidualnego wsparcia mentora.
Career Boost is the 6th edition of a free 2-day webinar for job seekers along with the opportunity to enjoy a simulated recruitment interview and individual mentor support.
Fundacja Rozwoju Kwalifikacji STELLA VIRIUM ustanowiła Konkurs oraz powołała do życia Statuetkę STELLA VIRIUM (GWIAZDA MOŻLIWOŚCI) nagradzając Laureatów w kategoriach: BIZNES, EDUKACJA, SUPRA.
MoreHelping Hand 2022
This is the second edition of the FREE training project for people looking for a job in an international environment. It includes a training package, improvement of business English, IT tools useful at work and individual support of a mentor / coach. Project in English.
MoreCareer Boost VII
MoreCareer Turn 2022
Career Turn is a free, educational project for people interested in changing their career path and starting work in international organisations. The project is carried out in English.
MoreMBA Zarządzanie Kapitałem Ludzkim
MoreCareer Turn 2022
MoreHelping Hand - Edition III
MoreCareer Boost VIII
Career Boost VIII is a 2-day webinar for job seekers with the opportunity to use a simulated interview and individual mentor support.
MoreCareer Turn 2023
MoreHelping Hand IV
MoreSpread Your Wings 2024
Druga edycja projektu Spread Your Wings już wiosną 2024 roku, oferując indywidualny mentoring i szkolenia dostosowane do potrzeb uchodźczyń i uchodźców z Ukrainy w Polsce.
MoreStudy MBA
Acting in accordance with the main value of the STELLA VIRIUM Foundation - i.e. lifelong learning - together with the Heuresis training company, we have become a co-organizer of the MBA Human Capital Management postgraduate studies at the University of Business in Wrocław!
For more, please visit: https://heuresis.pl/en/our-offer/postgraduate-studies/mba-human-resources-management/