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Spread Your Wings 2024

Druga edycja projektu Spread Your Wings już wiosną 2024 roku, oferując indywidualny mentoring i szkolenia dostosowane do potrzeb uchodźczyń i uchodźców z Ukrainy w Polsce.

The second edition of the Spread Your Wings project is coming in spring 2024!

Individual mentoring and tailored training for Ukrainian refugee women and men in Poland

Take part in the second edition of a free professional development project for refugee women and refugees from Ukraine in Poland. Our programme offers tailored support to help you develop professionally and achieve your goals.

Choose the form of support that best suits your needs:

Individual mentoring:
Experienced UBS employees act as mentors, sharing their knowledge and experience to help you achieve your career goals.

|Min. 3 individual meetings with a mentor/ Applications for mentoring will be accepted until the end of 31.08.2024.

Business Polish and/or English language webinars/conversations that focus on practical business vocabulary, supporting you to communicate effectively in a work environment.

|1 meeting per week / Duration 06-08.2024|.

Practical training:
We offer a package of practical training tailored to the requirements of the labour market. The training programme will take into account your needs reported during the mentoring.

|Duration 09-10.2024|.

Find out more about the training courses that took place in the previous edition of the project: Knowledge Base

Training Program

Our training program includes:

  • Up-to-date information on the labour market in Poland
  • Training tailored to labour market requirements
  • Preparation for the recruitment interview
  • Assistance in CV preparation

Find out the views of participants from the previous edition

What do we require from the candidates?

Knowledge of English or Polish at a communicative level
The project is open to persons who arrived in Poland after 24.02.2022.

Registration will be accepted while places last

The project will support you:

The UBS VOLUNTEER TEAM, whose leaders are:

Alina Piatkovska

  • Born in Ukraine and has been living in Poland for 10 years.
  • She has 9 years of professional experience in corporations, currently working at UBS as a Community Impact Specialist.
  • She enjoys engaging in additional activities at work, including being a trainer and leader of the CSR Career Turn project.
  • She cannot imagine life without travelling. Her favourite destination is Portugal. In order to feel at home there, she has also started learning Portuguese!
  • She loves gardening, yoga, sports, painting and ceramics.

Oleksii Akinfiiev

  • Urodzony w Kijowie i mieszkający w Krakowie od 17 lat.
  • Posiada ponad 15-letnie doświadczenie w IT w międzynarodowych firmach z branży telekomunikacyjnej i finansowej.
  • Od 8 lat koncentruje się głównie na zarządzaniu ludźmi, a w szczególności na aspekcie rozwoju kariery i rozwoju osobistego.
  • Jego pasją jest muzyka - zarówno słuchanie (nic nie przebije muzyki na żywo!), jak i gra na różnych instrumentach.


