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Fundacja Rozwoju Kwalifikacji STELLA VIRIUM ustanowiła Konkurs oraz powołała do życia Statuetkę STELLA VIRIUM (GWIAZDA MOŻLIWOŚCI) nagradzając Laureatów w kategoriach: BIZNES, EDUKACJA, SUPRA.

In pursuit of its statutory objectives, the STELLA VIRIUM Foundation for the Development of Qualifications, established the Competition and established the STELLA VIRIUM (STAR OF POSSIBILITY) Statuette.

Its idea and mission is to shape the belief in the strength, beauty and unlimited potential of every human being, as a lifelong learner, developing his or her qualifications, drawing on the diverse resources of his or her abilities, constantly exceeding his or her own limitations and those of the surrounding world.

Our only goal and desire is that the people awarded with the Statue become a testimony of multidimensional strength of spirit and mind. We want them to become a kind of role model and an inspiration to seek new areas of development for each of us.

The first edition of the Stella Virium Competition was held in 2013 and the Final Gala was a side event of the first Qualification Congress.

On June 6 at 7:30 p.m., the Preston Center in Krakow turned into a temple of human strength and determination.

Awards were given to outstanding individuals whose life attitude confirms that a person is able to achieve everything he or she strives for and is able to rise from any failure. Three statuettes - awards in categories: Stella Virium Education, Stella Virium Business and Stella Virium Supra went to individuals who prove every day that it is worthwhile to realize one's dreams and plans.

The gala was hosted by Marzena Rogalska.

The competition was conceived as a cyclical event, selecting Winners in categories:

Category dedicated to entrepreneurs, business representatives, managers, Designed for those who can draw on the idea of an interdisciplinary approach to business and management, succeed, respond to challenges, overcome crises, combining seemingly contradictory, distant competencies.
Laureatem został p. Kazimierz Leśniewski

A category dedicated to teachers, educators, lecturers, trainers, counselors, people who deal with and support the development of others. People who, deriving satisfaction from their work, shape the minds of future employers and employees of Polish companies.
The winner was Mr. Michal Paluch

A category dedicated to extraordinary creative people who, exceeding their own and others' limitations, drawing on the resources of their potential, have enriched themselves and, by their actions, other people.
The winner was Mr. Jan Arczewski

The next edition of the competition is coming soon!
