What is Helping Hand?
This is a FREE EDUCATIONAL project for people interested in starting work in an international environment, focused on learning business English, IT tools useful at work, and learning about modern work standards.
The project aims to show participants the specifics of working in an international environment and give them the opportunity to test and strengthen their language skills through training conducted entirely in English and dedicated individual conversations in Business English. All project activities will be led by State Street employee-volunteers, who will share their knowledge and experience with participants to help them achieve their chosen career goal.
Who are we addressing the project to?
The fifth edition, Helping Hand is aimed at people with disabilities whose health condition allows them to perform white-collar work that requires team and remote communication
We invite those wishing to gain new competencies in job search, business communication, soft skills desirable in the labor market, as well as get acquainted with the specifics of working in multinational corporations that apply and implement inclusion and diversity policies towards people with special needs on a daily basis.
We require at least communicative knowledge of English and availability to participate in at least 80% of the training provided in the program.
What we require from candidates:
Online trainings will be held from 02-13.06.2025.
Other project activities: mentoring/coaching/language conversations will be implemented in
July-October 2025.
As part of the project, we offer:
- real-time, online training in English (approx. 5h a day)
- individual conversations in Business English
- individual meetings with a mentor/coach
- training of a recruitment interview (so-called mock interview)
- digital competencies of the future, GenAI
- certificate confirming the competencies obtained
The project envisages training in business competencies such as communication, time management, MS Office in a specific work environment, looking at the BPO/SSC sector from the inside, support in preparing a resume, among others.
What we require from candidates:
- Knowledge of English at least communicative
- Knowledge of MS Office at least basic
- Strong motivation to change their professional situation
Benefits of participation in the project
The project will enable you to:
- gain new competencies
- expand your network of professional contacts
- adapt to a new work environment
- increase your self-confidence and motivation in your search for employment
- individual support from a (dedicated) mentor experienced in the field that interests you
- a certificate confirming the progression of your skills and knowledge
- exchange experiences and make friends with people in a similar situation to yours
Enrollment is accepted through the APPLY tab (number of places limited).
Feedback from participants in the fourth edition (2024):
Michal N:
I found information about the Helping Hand IV project on one of the groups for OzN (People with Disabilities).
At that time, I still didn't have any details about the State Street company. After receiving more information and an interview, I waited for the project to begin. Taking part in the class was a challenge, but it also built value. I didn't have high expectations for the project. I was hoping to occupy my free time in total. I took the whole project positively. Among other things, the project gave me courage and on Thursday, the day the training ended, I applied to State Street, and on Monday I received information that I had been accepted into the ranks of the company. I have been working at State Street since July 15, 2024.
Mikołaj L:
I would like to thank you again very much for the opportunity to participate in the project. I don't know what will happen next, but I feel that new doors and opportunities will open for me. It was a beautiful time. Najbardziej wymagające były dla mnie szkolenia. Po dwóch tygodniach wyłącznie w języku angielskim miałem duży problem z komunikacją po polsku. It took me a long time before my brain switched over. The individual meetings with Ms. Magda gave me a lot. W teorii to tylko cztery spotkania, a w praktyce ogrom wzruszeń z mojej strony, wiele myśli i jeszcze więcej pracy nad sobą. Przepracowaliśmy to, co przez całe dotychczasowe życie mi ciążyło. A great deal of work ahead of me, but now every day will only be more beautiful. Mock interview? Wczoraj zająkałem się na śmierć. Dziś podczas podsumowania było już dużo lepiej. Według rekrutów wiele rzeczy było dobrze, ale jest też kilka drobiazgów do poprawy. Bardzo cenne wskazówki i wspaniali ludzie. Ten wspólnie spędzony czas choć wyłącznie przez internet pozostanie ze mną na wiele lat. Thank you very much for the indirect change of life.
Final Gala Helping Hand IV, 2024