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How to prepare a good CV?

June 30, 2020

When applying for a job, we usually send our CV at the beginning of the road, because it is a mandatory condition in many job offers. The data from 2020 are quite meaningful - up to 90% of our CVs are rejected at first! Why is this happening? Is the selection so relentless and without a few faculties, 15 years of experience, a number of training courses and knowledge of 7 languages, are we not an attractive employee? Well, absolutely NOT. Our Curiculum Vitae is nothing but our first impression. How crucial it is, because "when they see you, they write you". In this case, let's make sure that it catches the eye right away, that the reader immediately dawns on the thought: "Oh cool, bend over him / her". I suggest 8 rules for writing a good CV, which I think will help create an attractive offer for ourselves.

  1. Only the most important personal and contact details
    All you need to do in your CV is your name, mailing address, telephone number (preferably mobile) and a professional email address with your name (avoid playful, private addresses).
  2. Photo - clear, elegant, professional
    The photograph should be on the top of the CV, right or left. Size is not important - it's important that the photo blends in well with the document. Let's remember the obvious - it should not be a photo from our private album, e.g. from a holiday in a loose shirt and with a drink. Smart casual photography will be a very good proposition
  3. Professional summary
    The professional summary is a brief description at the top of the CV in which you present your most important assets to the employer. Write in it what studies you completed, what position you worked on, what are your most important skills and achievements as well as professional goals.
  4. Professional experience
    It is this part that is the most important to the employer. In this section, be customized. Place information related to the position you are applying for and provide details, e.g. "in the bush company I increased sales by 8% in the period from / to"
  5. Skills on one page
    Be specific and provide the most specialized skills. Avoid generalizations that any candidate can enter (e.g., Diligence). You can describe the level of foreign languages ​​- e.g. English - intermediate (B2). A "fashionable" and very legible idea is a graphic representation of the skill level of a given skill, e.g. in the form of stars - low competence, 1 star, very high 5.
  6. Matching
    Try to best match your competences or education to the job offer. You do not need to provide information on completed primary school in this section. If you apply, e.g. for the position of car mechanic - show specialized education. Automotive technical school, interesting refresher courses etc. The employer is looking for a specific person for a given position - show that it is you!
  7. Interests
    In this part, show how interesting you are. This is information for the reader that you are interested in the world around us, you are a creative person. This has a direct impact on work, because it immediately suggests that you will approach your duties with interest, reliability and ambition.
  8. Font
    Finally, let's not forget something as prosaic and important as a font! Too small, not clear, poorly selected and blending with our great photo, it will simply push you away, instead of encouraging you to read our business card. The readable font in combination with the meteorology, which I wrote about earlier, as well as the photo will immediately create the impression that we have prepared ourselves thoroughly for application documents. This gives the employer information that we are a reliable person.