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Together Towards Successful Integration! Projekt promuje skuteczne metody integracji migrantów i uchodźców poprzez wymianę doświadczeń z włoskimi partnerami, skupiając się na integracji na rynku pracy, nauce języka i integracji społecznej.


Together towards a successful integration!

Purpose of the project

As organisations working on migration issues, Stella Virium and Hesed will exchange their own experiences related to equal opportunities for refugees and migrants in the labour market in Italy and Poland. The partner organisations will share best practices with each other during a study visit in Italy and a Think-Tank in Poland.

Project partners

Logo Fundacji Stella Virium

The aim of INTEGRA is to learn about and collect in the form of an e-book the stories of people who have the experience of migration and adaptation to the labour market in a foreign country. The guidebook created will enable staff and volunteers involved in the education of adult refugees and migrants to better understand their specific situation and needs, and to spread and improve good practices in both partner countries.

The Guidebook , based on real human stories, is also intended to serve as a kind of inspiration for beneficiaries - migrants and refugees facing the necessity of finding their way in the new labour market of the host country, as well as an incentive to acquire new competences.

Even you can join our activities

Are you a foreigner in Poland who has had a migration/refugee experience and has succeeded in ‘building’ your life anew in our country?

Share your story with others who have found themselves in a situation similar to yours and need inspiration, advice, guidance on how to cope with change.

Your story can help other migrants/refugees to find their way in Poland, but also to understand more about the needs and dreams of such people to the surrounding society.

Tell your story through the form in the APPLY tab.

The most inspiring stories will be published in an e-book and disseminated through the communication channels of the Stella Virium Foundation and Hesed, e.g. via social media and during a dissemination conference in May 2025.

Project funded under Erasmus+


